Orders placed by Sunday, March 9 will ship on Tuesday, March 11.
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  1. All Light Roast
  2. New
  3. Nicaragua la Bendición Natural Maracaturra

Nicaragua la Bendición Natural Maracaturra


$6.95 - $107.50




Another beautiful natural processed coffee from Luis Alberto Balladeraz Moncada. We’ve been purchasing coffee from Luis Alberto since 2019. This coffee is comprised of 100% Maracaturra variety. Black Grape, Dark Chocolate, Cabernet, Ruby Red Grapefruit.
Country: Nicaragua
Region: Nueva Segovia
Producer: Luis Alberto Balladarez Moncada
Farm: La Bendición
Farm Size: 105 hectares
Altitude: 1400-1600m
Washing Station: Benificio Las Segovias
Variety: Maracaturra
Processing: Full natural. Floated and dried on raised beds for 25-30 days.
Tasting Notes: Black Grape, Dark Chocolate, Cabernet, Ruby Red Grapefruit.
Agtron Reading (Whole Bean/Ground): 92.3/103.6
Importer/Exporter: Coffee Quest
Our Purchase 4 bags(69kg)

We recommend grinding just prior to brewing… so whole beans will be shipped unless otherwise indicated in the ORDER COMMENTS field (Shipping Address Screen) during the CHECKOUT process.


  • Weight: 12 oz