Orders placed by Sunday, March 9 will ship on Tuesday, March 11.
Free shipping on all coffee and tea pouch orders over $37!

  1. All Equipment & Supplies
  2. Cold Toddy Home Brew Package With 12 oz. Coffee Pouch

Cold Toddy Home Brew Package With 12 oz. Coffee Pouch




Coffee Selection



This featured late-summer product bundle includes the Toddycafe  Cold Brew System home model which is a non-electrical coffee maker that produces a smooth, rich, delicious liquid concentrate used to make steaming hot coffee, and iced and iced blended coffee drinks – one cup at a time and at the strength you prefer. We are pairing the brewer with a 12 ounce pouch of our Colombia el Progreso-Medium Roast Coffee OR a 12 ounce pouch of our Method Blend Espresso. A single batch using the 12 ounces of coarse-ground coffee yields 48 ounces of coffee concentrate that will produce 192 ounces of coffee drinks.

Coffee should be coarse-ground when using with the Toddycafe Cold Toddy Brewer so this package includes ground coffee. If you have a good home coffee grinder, please request WHOLE BEAN at Check-Out in the SPECIAL COMMENTS section.


  • Weight: 52 oz
  • Width: 12 in
  • Depth: 8 in
  • Height: 8 in