Peru Tambopata


A dynamic, sweet, and cozy community coffee from the Alto Inambari municipality in Puno, Peru. From several producers surrounding lake Titicaca, each with an average 1-2 hectare plots of land. This medium roast coffee is fully washed, with notes of dried fig, molasses, apricot and a silky body. Typica, Caturra, and Bourbon varieties.

Country: Peru

Region: Puno

Province: Sandia

Municipality: Alto Inambari

Producers: Cirila Lopes Hancco, Seferino Palero Paila, Leodan Ccori Calsina, Fermin Gemio Luque, Fabian Taype Chambi.

Farm Details: 1800-2100m. 1-2 hectares on average.

Varieties: Typica, Caturra, Bourbon

Processing: Fully washed, with 8-24 hours of wet fermentation and 7-14 days drying on raised beds under parabolic cover.

Tasting Notes: Dried fig, molasses, apricot, silky

Importer/Exporter: Red Fox Coffee Merchants

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12 oz. pouch – $16.00

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