Ecuador Nueva Esperanza Espresso

A fruit forward single origin espresso offering from Palanda in the Zamora-Chinchipe region of Ecuador. This fully washed coffee is from a small 2 hectare farm operated by Juan Pablo Malacatos, a young 23 year old second generation coffee producer. Raspberry, cardamom, naval orange, and sweet tea. 100% Typica Majorado variety.

Country: Ecuador

Region: Zamora-Chinchipe

Town: Palanda

Farm: Nueva Esperanza

Farmer: Juan Pablo Malacatos

Altitude: 1700m

Variety: Typica Mejorado

Processing: Fully washed. 70 hour dry fermentation. Dried in greenhouses for 12-15 days.

Tasting Notes: Raspberry, cardamom, naval orange, sweet tea

Agtron Score (Whole bean/Ground):

Importer/Exporter: Coffee Quest

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12 oz. pouch – $17.50

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