Orders placed by Sunday, March 9 will ship on Tuesday, March 11.
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  1. All Coffee
  2. Medium Roast
  3. México Ocotzalán

México Ocotzalán


$6.35 - $96.10




A single farm, medium-roast, female-produced coffee from Margarita Cabrera Poblano, a producer from Totutla, in Puebla, Mexico. This is our first purchase from Margarita. Date, rum spice, candy corn, tobacco. Marsellesa, Garnica, and Caturra varieties.

Country: Mexico
Department: Puebla
Municipality: Totutla
Altitude: 1366 m.
Producer: Margarita Cabrera Poblano
Varieties: Marsellesa, Garnica, and Caturra
Processing: Washed. 24-30 hours of dry fermentation. 21 days drying on raised beds.
Tasting Notes: Date, rum spice, candy corn, tobacco
Agtron Reading (Whole bean/Ground):  
Importer/Exporter: Crop to Cup


We recommend grinding just prior to brewing… so whole beans will be shipped unless otherwise indicated in the ORDER COMMENTS field (Shipping Address Screen) during the CHECKOUT process.


  • Weight: 12 oz