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  1. All Tea
  2. Costa Rica Helsar de Zarcero Cascara Tea

Costa Rica Helsar de Zarcero Cascara Tea

OLC-Costa Rica

$8.30 - $13.50




A fruity, complex coffee cherry tea. A perfect alternative to black coffee. A two farm, food grade product from the Llano Bonito de Naranjo region of Costa Rica. Strawberry, Apple Cider, Rosé, Maraschino Cherry. Caturra, Catuai, and Villalobos varieties.

Country: Costa Rica
Region: Llano Bonito de Naranjo
Farms: Santa Lucia and Anonos
Mill: Helsar de Zarcero
Altitude: 1700 m.
Variety: Caturra, Catuai, and Villalobos
Processing: Coffee specifically processed for cascara in collaboration with the University of Costa Rica; coffee cherry pulp washed, pasteurized, and dried using food grade technology.
Tasting notes: Strawberry, Apple Cider, Rosé, Maraschino Cherry 

Dosing: Use 1 gram of cascara for every 25 grams of water (about 14 grams of cascara for a 12 oz. cup). Steep in water just off boil for 4 minutes. Strain and enjoy!




  • Weight: 3 oz