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  1. All Coffee
  2. Dark Roast
  3. Colombia la Unión Femenino Fair Trade Organic

Colombia la Unión Femenino Fair Trade Organic


$6.00 - $89.35




A chocolatey and sweet dark-roast from a group of women producers. A fully washed, fair-trade, organic coffee grown near La Unión in Nariño, Colombia. Apple, brownie, vanilla, roast. Castillo, Caturra, and Colombia varieties.

Country: Colombia

Region: Nariño

Municipality: La Unión

Association: Fundación Agraria y Ambiental Para el Desarrollo Sostentible (FUDAM)

Farmers: Manos de Mujeres, a subgroup of all women from FUDAM

Altitude: 1600 – 2100 meters

Varieties: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia

Processing method: Fully washed, with mechanical drying in “casa elbas”

Tasting notes: Apple, brownie, vanilla, roast

We recommend grinding just prior to brewing… so whole beans will be shipped unless otherwise indicated in the ORDER COMMENTS field (Shipping Address Screen) during the CHECKOUT process.


  • Weight: 12 oz