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  1. All Coffee
  2. Decaf/Low-Caf
  3. Colombia Decaf de Caña

Colombia Decaf de Caña


$5.90 - $87.25




A sugarcane decaf coffee from smallholder producers throughout Huila, Colombia. Comprised of Colombia, Castillo, and Caturra varieties. Graham spice, caramel, red apple, and balanced.

Country: Colombia

Region: Huila

Altitude: 1400-2000m

Producers: Various smallholders

Varieties: Castillo, Colombia, Caturra

Processing: Washed Sugarcane EA Decaf

Tasting Notes: Graham spice, caramel, red apple, balanced

Agtron Reading (WB/G):

Importer/Exporter: Cafe Imports

We recommend grinding just prior to brewing… so whole beans will be shipped unless otherwise indicated in the ORDER COMMENTS field (Shipping Address Screen) during the CHECKOUT process.



  • Weight: 12 oz