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  1. All Coffee
  2. Light Roast
  3. Ethiopia Banko Chelchele

Ethiopia Banko Chelchele


$6.65 - $102.25




It’s been some time since we’ve had an Ethiopian coffee from Gedeb, outside Yirgacheffe. One returns in the form of this anaerobic natural coffee from Banko Chelchele in the Gedeo zone. This sweet and fruity coffee has notes of strawberry candy, twizzlers, natural red wine, with a juicy body. 74112 and 74110 Ethiopia heirloom varieties.

Country: Ethiopia

Zone: Gedeo

District (Woreda): Gedeb

Village: Banko Chelchele

Producers: Local smallholders

Altitude: 1900-2300 m

Variety: Ethiopia Heirloom 74110 and 74112

Process: Anaerobic natural. Fermentation for 7-10 days. Dried for 15-20 days on raised beds.

Tasting Notes: Strawberry candy, twizzler, natural red wine, juicy.

Agtron Reading (WB/G):

Lot Size: 5 bags (60kg)

Importer/Exporter: Falcon

We recommend grinding just prior to brewing… so whole beans will be shipped unless otherwise indicated in the ORDER COMMENTS field (Shipping Address Screen) during the CHECKOUT process.


  • Weight: 12 oz